Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday

Several of my blogging friends have adopted this idea, so I decided to join in. The idea is that you describe several things that you have not done recently, if you get what I mean..........LOL! Here we go:

Today, I most definitely did not go a dermatologist for the first time, and he did not remove a suspicious mole from my face for biopsy. I am not at all worried about the results, which I won't get for a week.

I did not just turn the HEAT on in my house, because it certainly is not freakin' 55 degrees in South Carolina in May!

And lastly, I absolutely am not procrastinating (darn you, internet) about doing the lesson plans and reports I need to turn in for a teacher recertification class. Apparently, I do not plan to keep my certificate active when I do not go back to school in the fall........

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